This site is generated from static files manipulated with a simple text editor. To help facilitate the creation of these static files, jekyll, a ruby-based static blog-centric site generator, is tasked for the job.

Being in a Mac environment a few things are required to get going. You will need a recent version of ruby installed. You can install the latest version with brew or some other means.

You will need to install bundler with gem install bundler.

We start off with creating a new directory for the site and initializing a git repository within it.

mkdir dk-site; cd dk-site; git init

The next thing we need to do is create a Gemfile and configure our dependencies.

echo -e "source ''\ngem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins" >> Gemfile

We should now have a Gemfile with two lines in it. We continue with bundle install.

Once the installation is completed we will create a bare structure for a jekyll site.

bundle exec jekyll new . --force

A git status should now show a bunch of new untracked files and directories.

GitHub pages implements jekyll and is perfect for hosting static content. You can create a new GitHub username and then by simply creating a repository with the name, GitHub will automatically regenerate and publish your site every time you push changes to the repository.

Start customizing the site by editing the _config.yml file.

vi _config.yml

In typical YAML-formatted key-value pairs, the main configurable variables are contained within this file; with options such as title, email, description, baseurl, url, twitter_username and github_username.

email: darek@
description: >
    Darek Kowalski
baseurl: ""
url: ""
twitter_username: darekkowalski
github_username: darekkowalski

markdown: kramdown

Now we can fire up a local jekyll server and navigate to http://localhost:4000 to see what we have so far. We should see a very empty bare-bones static website.

bundle exec jekyll serve

One really cool feature that the internal jekyll server offers, is that it supports auto-regeneration. When it detects changes to source files, it will rebuild the file and make the generated output available immediately.

The bare jekyll site structure is made up of a few directories and files. A .gitignore is created to skip the _site directory, as well as the .sass-cache and .jekyll_metadata directories.

In the root directory we have a Gemfile defining our Ruby dependencies and a _config.yml file with our jekyll variables. Aside from those configuration files we have feed.xml, index.html and

The static files are broken down into _includes, _layouts, _sass, _posts and css directories. _includes contains our header.html and footer.html as well as SVG assets for the Twitter and Github icons. _layouts contains our html templates files: default.html, page.html and post.html. _posts contains this very posts markdown file. _sass contains scss markup to define our site styles: _base.scss, _layout.scss, _syntax-highlighting.scss and main.scss.

Lets create a and edit some files before committing to our master branch and pushing up to GitHub.

git remote add origin
git add .gitignore Gemfile _config.yml feed.xml index.html
git add _includes _layouts _posts _sass css
git commit -m "Added base jekyll site structure"
git push --set-upstream origin master

GitHub Pages will now process our files and make the _site directory available at - The _site directory is where jekyll stores generated output.

Our first post looks a little bare, so lets integrate Disqus, a popular comment platform, into our post pages. We start by creating an account on Disqus and configuring it for our site.

In order to get our post pages uniquely identified as relevant and separate comment threads we need to supply Disqus with some specific variables. With jekyll it is possible to add variables to the top portion of asset files. Namely, the “front matter” is delimited by lines with three dashes and found at the top of the files. Within this “front matter” variables such as layout, title, date, categories and tags are made configurable.

To implement Disqus we will add three new variables into our “front matter”. For added control, we will add a boolean variable named comments with a value of true for this first post.

Also, a variable named disqus_identifier with a unique value. It is really up to you what you provide here, but I opted for a randomly generated UUID. Some opt to just use the post title.

The last variable is tags and contains a space separated list of tags relevant to the post content.

 comments: true
 disqus_identifier: 9091FAB9-E88D-4EEE-BBA3-C1A0D213C82D
 tags: jekyll github disqus

Now we will add the generated javascript from Disqus into our _layouts\post.html template file and use the disqus_identifier variable defined in the posts “front matter” to configure the engine. Also, we will create a condition to only include the commenting engine when our comments variable is set to true.

{% if page.comments %}
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
var disqus_config = function () { = '{{ page.url | prepend: site.url  }}'; = '{{ page.disqus_identifier }}';
(function() {
    var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
    s.src = '//';
    s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
    (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
{% endif %}

Now we will add comment counts to our main post listing index.html file within the site.posts loop.

+   <span class="post-meta">{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }} &middot; <span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="{{ post.disqus_identifier }}"></span></span>
+   <h2><a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>

Adding the specific disqus-comment-count class into a span element along with data-disqus-identifier="{{ post.disqus_identifier }}" enables Disqus to populate the element with a comment count value for the specific disqus_identifier post.

At the bottom of the index.html we will add the Disqus comment count javascript asset.

<script id="dsq-count-scr" src="//" async></script>

If you’re not already running a local jekyll server and refreshing your browser as you make these changes, fire up another bundle exec jekyll serve and check if the Disqus comment section appears in the post.

We should now see a Disqus comment block on our post page and a comment count on our home page.

If everything is working as expected, commit and push these changes up to GitHub.

Cool, our site looks a lot more like a collaborative blog site now. Let’s implement continuous integration builds with Travis now! If you don’t already have an account with travis-ci you will need to create one at this point and configure your GitHub repository.

We will use jekyll build and the Ruby gem html-proofer to validate a successful build of our site each time we push our master branch to GitHub.

First we need to update our Gemfile to include html-proofer as a dependency.

+gem 'html-proofer'

Next, we’ll create a build directory and a shell script named cibuild to test our builds.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e # halt script on error

bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec htmlproofer ./_site --disable-external

To tell travis-ci what it needs to do, we create a .travis.yml file in the root directory.

language: ruby
- 2.1

 - chmod +x ./build/cibuild

script: ./build/cibuild


sudo: false

Here we tell travis-ci that we are using ruby and defining instructions for our build. Notice we make our cibuild shell script executable before execution.

Lets commit these changes push it up to GitHub and check-in with travis-ci to see results of our build.

Eek, our build failed.

It complains about a Gemfile.lock not being there for assistance, so lets push up our generated file.

You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
updated Gemfile.lock to version control.

Now we have a problem with date formats in our vendor directory.

1.09s$ ./build/cibuild
Configuration file: /home/travis/build/darekkowalski/
            Source: /home/travis/build/darekkowalski/
       Destination: /home/travis/build/darekkowalski/
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
                    Invalid date '<%='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') %>': Document 'vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/jekyll-3.0.5/lib/site_template/_posts/0000-00-00-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown.erb' does not have a valid date in the YAML front matter.

We need to tell jekyll to skip the vendor directory when building our site in this environment, by adding the following line to our _config.yml file.

exclude: [vendor]

The next build continues and begins to validate our generated html files. It fails on resolving self referential anchor tags.

Running ["ScriptCheck", "LinkCheck", "ImageCheck"] on ["./_site"] on *.html...
Ran on 4 files!
- ./_site/2016/05/07/an-experiment-with-github-pages-and-jekyll.html
  *  linking to internal hash # that does not exist (line 25)
- ./_site/about/index.html
  *  linking to internal hash # that does not exist (line 26)
- ./_site/index.html
  *  linking to internal hash # that does not exist (line 26)
htmlproofer 3.0.5 | Error:  HTML-Proofer found 3 failures!

For our purposes I think it is safe to ignore these errors; we achieve this by editing our cibuild script and appending --url-ignore "#" to our htmlproofer command. Perhaps using --verbose --allow_hash_href is deprecated now.

+bundle exec htmlproofer ./_site --disable-external --url-ignore "#"

Finally we have a successful build with ~0 exits~!

Running ["ScriptCheck", "LinkCheck", "ImageCheck"] on ["./_site"] on *.html...
Ran on 4 files!
HTML-Proofer finished successfully.
The command "./build/cibuild" exited with 0.
Done. Your build exited with 0.

To share our build status we will include a build badge in our file.

[![Build Status](](

Looking good! Now lets implement some visitor tracking with Google Analytics. Maybe Piwik later? After creating an account and site profile lets put the javascript in a separate file named analytics.html within our _include directory… and then include it in our default.html template, right after our footer.html include.

Now lets add a custom 404 page by creating a 404.html file in our root directory.

title: 404
four oh four.

After pushing that up, notice that the 404 page works as expected, however it appears in the sites top navigation bar. To change that we need to remove the title variable and replace it with permalink instead.

-title: 404
+permalink: /404.html

That works. Now it is time to write this article and share it!

But before we share it, lets implement a custom top-level domain by creating a CNAME file in the root directory with the domain name on the first line.

We will need to update our domains DNS records to point to GitHub servers. This can be achieved by defining one of ALIAS, ANAME or A records.

For this sites purposes the apex domain will use A records pointing to and

Now its time to share and the self-referential first post! Do we get https with a custom domain here? Can we utilize letsencrypt? How will we handle pull requests? Godspeed!

EDIT: There is an easter egg in this post. Funny by-product of static site generation. Can you see it?